
01. Ease of Use

Interdisciplinary teaching requires considerable planning, scheduling and coordination by teachers. Constructopedia is easy to set up and implement. This software also benefits its users in the following ways:

02. It is Based on important Principles of Pedagogy

Constructopedia incorporates two psychological principles in its Matrix design that can promote critical thinking and literacy:


Reviewing what you already know about a subject provides the context for integrating new knowledge. Surfing across the Matrix inherently builds upon what students have just learned in previous lessons, and


Relates to your selfawareness about the things you do and do not know. Through its structured reading approach, Constructopedia challenges learners at all levels to review what they have learned and what they expect to learn.

03. Benefits of Guided Reading

Guided Reading is about providing a scaffold or pathway for learners to navigate content at appropriate levels of difficulty.

Once users have clearly mastered the meaning of a construct in its first instance in Constructopedia, they have a pretty good idea of precisely what to expect from further readings about that construct. The first instance serves as a scaffold for the next. Constructs act as sight lines across dense forests and oceans of information and knowledge. When learners get the big picture of “Cycle”, for example, they can focus their attention on variations, details, and vocabulary when it is encountered in a new context.

Additionally, once a lesson is understood, the user can explore materials at higher levels of difficulty to gain insight into how they are used by scientists and professionals with greater complexity of measurement.

And there is an added scaffolding benefit derived from the ubiquitous presence of core constructs. As students move on to study new constructs, they discover that the earlier ones they had learned frequently re-appear, since they are invariably used as building blocks for newer ideas and theories

04. Science-based vocabulary

Construct Surfing helps learners acquire a high-level, science based vocabulary that can accelerate their maturation to abstract thinking, inductive reasoning, and help develop effective writing and communication skills.

05. Cross-disciplinary learning

Construct Surfing teaches students to think laterally. A user can review examples of the construct “efficiency” in the field of architecture, then surf horizontally within the matrix to review efficiency considerations in medicine, engineering, or manufacturing. This pattern reinforces their understanding and exposes learners to new ideas, fields, and vocational paths.

06. Experiential learning

This innovation provides a structure for an experiential pedagogy guided by curiosity. It has been said that we should all set out to learn at least three new things every day. Construct Surfing makes that challenge easy, fun, and integrated.

07. Self-paced Discovery learning

With Construct Surfing users control their own pace and direction. Once a construct is grasped in one matrix cell, the user can view examples in other disciplines and/or at higher levels of difficulty. Users advance through the Web pages at their own pace. They can explore the upper-level material whenever they feel they are ready, or when curious.


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